
Choose the training that is right for you. Courses start the first week of every month unless there is a major holiday that week.

Prices below are for solo (1-on-1/private) classes. Group classes are $200 per dog for the full 4 week basic course. Group glasses start back up in September (if the Texas heat lets up). The basic obedience classes are 55 minutes long and the intermediate & advanced classes are 45 minutes long.

Class schedules are posted on Facebook and Instagram and are updated daily with availability.

Venmo, Zelle, cash and check are accepted. Security deposit of $50 is due via zelle or venmo @ sign up, remainder of tuition due the first class. Cancellations 72 hours or more before classes will receive 50% of deposit returned. Cancellations less than 72 hours or no shows will no receive a refund.

Our group classes are maxed out at 3 dogs per class. Families are welcome to join class but the leash must be held by a parent during group classes.

Weatherford Shelter Class

We’ve partnered with the Weatherford Animal Shelter to provide a low cost new ownership course to help out new pet parents with their rescue pup! This course consists of 2 classes.

The first class is on a Wednesday evening, 5:15-5:45pm, without your dog. We’ll go over lots of info that will help you and your dog adjust. Bring your questions!

The second class will be about a week later on Saturday, 11:15-11:45am. This class you will bring your dog and we will work on problem solving and leash work.

Class schedule is posted on our social media and in your new owner packet from the Animal Shelter. Payment due at registration to hold your spot. Zelle and Venmo accepted. 
*** This class is held @ the Shelter***

$40 for both 

Basic Obedience

This course includes but is not limited to: look, sit, stay, down, wait at a doorway, loose leash walking/heel, touch, name game, and focus. We will also help out if your dog needs any behavior modifications such as jumping, potty training, or puppy nipping. Certificate and goodie bag given upon completion.
This 4 week course is once a week (same day & time each week)
Parvo shots must be complete before week 4.
Minimum age 10 weeks.

$250 total

Intermediate & Advanced

These classes cover the same commands as in the basic course but focus on precision, distance and distraction. The first class will be at our facility and the others will be off-site (at a park or store). You do not have to take the basic course with us, however, if you did not, there will be a $10 assessment test fee. Certificate and goodie bag given upon completion. Each of these courses are 4 weeks long (1 per week)
Must be current on all shots.

$225 each level

Problem solving

We also offer problem solving services separate in case your dog needs help with something specific. This is 1 single class that is 1 hour long to address issues like puppy potty training, fearfulness of humans or other dogs, puppy chewing or nipping jumping, food aggression, etc. You can take as many or as little of these single classes as you need.

$60 each

Trick class

Amount of tricks learned will be based on your dogs ability. Class is approximately 45 mins. These tricks are based off of AKC curriculum and are eligible to be tested for AKC ribbons.

$40 each 

Puppy Play Time

While this isn’t an actual class, this IS an opportunity to practice and socialize your puppy to new places, people, and puppies in a Safe place.

This is open to puppies 3-6 months old* 

There is a one time admin fee of $5 on your first visit. Any other time you choose to come is free. Up to date shot record MUST be brought to first visit.  Must have at least 2nd Parvo shot.

Available 1-4 times a month (based on weather) and times will be posted on Social Media.

*Small breeds may be accepted up to 9 months

$5 first visit